Race Against Dementia

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Race Against Dementia Corner

"Working faster and smarter, together we can beat dementia" - Race Against Dementia raises and allocates funds to accelerate global research and development in the race to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. Our vision is a breakthrough in the prevention or treatment of dementia with the greatest of urgency.

We do this through our 4 key principles:

  • NEW TALENT. Identifying and financially backing the most talented early-career researchers.
  • INNOVATION. We provide catalyst funding, enabling researchers to pursue innovative ideas at the highest level, that might not get funded by the mainstream.
  • SPEED. We aim to instil a ‘Formula 1 attitude’ in attention to detail and urgency, to accelerate the pace of solutions development.
  • GLOBAL. We form strong alliances with research centres of excellence on a global basis.

The Race Against Dementia Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising scientific talent around the world; to catalyse their research work by driving a shift in culture that learns from innovation in high technology engineering research and implementation, such as in Formula 1; and to drive collaboration across disciplines and institutions to help fast-track their progress to become leaders in the field.

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