Alzheimer’s Research UK Corner

Alzheimer's Research UK Corner

Almost one million people are living with dementia today. Tragically, not one of them will survive. Alzheimer’s Research UK exists to change that. As the UK’s leading dementia research charity, we are working to revolutionise the way we treat, diagnose and prevent dementia. And then, we will find a way to cure it. To do this, we’re investing in the best research, powering the most forward-thinking scientists and joining forces with world-class organisations.

With your support, we promise we will not stop until dementia can no longer destroy lives.

We are Alzheimer’s Research UK. We exist for a cure.

In January 2022, we launched a new programme dedicated to early career researchers (ECRs). recognising that dementia researchers need to have the tools and opportunities to succeed in an environment where there is strong competition for funding and resources from other fields.

We are working to overcome barriers to long and productive careers in dementia research and to maintain momentum in professional pathways that are typically challenging and vulnerable to loss of talent. Building on our existing initiatives and strong links with the research community, Alzheimer’s Research UK is making a strategic effort to nurture and shape the research leaders of tomorrow.

Details of our ECR grant schemes, events and other opportunities are available through the Early Career Researcher Portal and here on the Dementia Researcher websiteVisit our website to learn more about our research and how we support dementia researchers. You can follow us on Twitter @ARUKScientist or contact us at


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Regional Network

12 Network Centres with a total of over 2,000 dementia researchers

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