Partner Blogs

Standing shoulder to shoulder to conduct research – academics, carers, and people with dementia

Looking into the way that care is provided to people with dementia who experience a mental health crisis

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What is peer research?

Peer research involves patients and carers helping academics to carry out research, through providing input into how research is designed, conducting interviews and focus groups, and helping to disseminate the findings. Patients and carers bring their lived experience to the project, and coupled with research skills, helps us to conduct research in a way that adds a rich level of insight and sensitivity. In our project, we are conducting focus groups with NHS staff, carers, and patients who have , and we’re asking people with dementia and carers of people with dementia to help us to facilitate these groups.

In this blog Dr Jen Yates further discusses how patients were involved in research to exploring how care is provided to people with dementia who experience a mental health crisis.

To read the rest of this blog visit the Institute of Mental Health Blog at the University of Nottingham.

Dr Jen Yates is a Research Fellow in the Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology, University of Nottingham. Jen’s research interests focus on the health and well-being of older people who experience difficulties with their cognitive functioning, and how health services operate in the care of older people. Jen also enjoys gardening, baking cakes and going out for the afternoon on her bicycle.

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