Professor Bart De Strooper
Professor Bart De Strooper
Job title:
National Director, UK Dementia Research Institute and Group Leader, VIB-KU Leuven Centre for Brain and Disease Research, Belgium
Place of work / study:
UK DRI Headquarters, UCL / Crick Institute / VIB
Area of Research:
Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.
How is your work funded?
MRC, ARUK, AS (UK DRI Founding Funders), JPND, ERC, Flemish government
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am an Alzheimer’s disease researcher fascinated by the revolution in brain sciences and wanting to use that knowledge to get medication for this disease.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I love marine life – enjoy swimming with dolphins, diving and meeting octopuses, manta rays, gazing at corals.
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
Because it is a fascinating medical problem. It was a taboo to talk about dementia when I started to work on this problem, and it is so satisfying to see that we are nowadays thinking in cellular and molecular terms of this disease. I am sure that we will find treatments along this pathway of research into the depths of the functioning and dysfunctioning brain.
Can we find you on Twitter?
No, however you can follow our work via Follow @UKDRI