Mohammad Amin Abdollahi
Job title:
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapist and Researcher
Place of work / study:
Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran
Area of Research:
Olfactory System, Attention, Memory, Ageing, Cognitive Disorders
Tell us a little about yourself:
I have recently graduated from the Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, which is the oldest and most prestigious university of Iran in the field of Cognitive Science, with a M.Sc. degree in Cognitive Science, Cognitive Rehabilitation. As a master student, I had the opportunity to work as a clinical intern and research assistant at the Ageing and Memory Department of The Brain and Cognition Clinic.
Moreover, I had a chance to observe and work with more than hundreds of age-related diseases (especially Dementia).
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
Whenever I want to be funny I became ‘serious:D’
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
Because I struggled with Dementia in my personal life and it made me to continue and shift my academic education from being a biomedical engineer to cognitive rehabilitation therapist in the memory and ageing department.