![Dr Stephen Mason - DEMENTIA RESEARCHER](https://www.dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Dr-Stephen-Mason.png)
Dr Stephen Mason
Dr Stephen Mason
Job title:
Research and Development Lead
Place of work / study:
Palliative Care Unit, University of Liverpool
Area of Research:
Palliative and End of Life Care
How is your work funded?
Largely external grant awards
Tell us a little about yourself:
I lead the Research and Development Division of the Palliative Care Institute Liverpool at the University of Liverpool. This involves supervising and mentoring a team of researchers; writing and co-ordinating grant submissions; preparing annual reports/reports for funders; overseeing applications for ethics and Research and Development (R&D) approval; and participating as a strategic lead in the Institute Management Group. The research portfolio of the Institute is broad and engages studies from bench to bedside in the pursuit of developing the evidence base to drive up the standards of care for dying patients and their families. I am also a member of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) Reference Group on Medical Education and Training and I currently lead a Task Force to examine undergraduate training in palliative medicine across Europe. In addition I am also the Secretary, and on the executive committee of the Palliative Care Research Society. I contribute to undergraduate (MB ChB) and postgraduate medical education at the University of Liverpool, teaching research and scholarship, history and philosophy of palliative care, psychosocial approaches to care and communication skills to undergraduates, and supervising postgraduate students to the award of a higher degree.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
Largely by accident, I once appeared naked on stage (in Liz Lochhead’s Blood and Ice)
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
I work in Palliative Care, which covers care for all people (and their families) with life limiting conditions. Part of our role is looking to develop the evidence which will improve care and quality of life for all, whether early in the disease process, at the last stages of life, and for those coping with bereavement.