
Profile – Dr Rosie Jackson, University of Dundee

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Dr Rosie Jackson Profile Picture.

Dr Rosie Jackson


Dr Rosie Jackson

Job Title:

Principal Investigator (Tenure track, Research and Teaching)

Place of work / study:

University of Dundee

Area of research?

The impact of ApoE on the brain in health and disease

How is your research funded:

Government and Charity grants

Tell us a little about yourself:

Orignally from Southern california, I did my undergraduate degree at St Andrews and my PhD at the university of Edinburgh before heading to boston for a PostDoc. I’m now back in Scotland and have just started my own lab at the University of Dundee studying ApoE. While not doing that I love hiking, cooking and cycling. My husband and even have a bright red tandem bicyle that we like to adventure out on.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I have accidentally climbed an active volcano

Why did you choose to work in dementia research?

I’ve always been facintated by how the brain works so so well for such a long time and then something happens that causes disease.

What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?

So much of life is down to luck but luck favors the prepared and the brave.

Favourite ways to unplug and unwind?

Long walk!

What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?

Say nothing– Its well written and very interesting but hardly a feel good read

Favourite film of all time?

A Knights Tale

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