
Profile – Dr Nora Bengoa-Vergniory, ABCN

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Dr Nora Bengoa-Vergniory Profile Picture

Dr Nora Bengoa-Vergniory


Dr Nora Bengoa-Vergniory

Job title:

Principal Investigator

Place of work / study:

ABCN (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience), University of Oxford

Area of Research:

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

How is your work funded?

Ikerbasque, IBRO, Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, Michael J Fox Foundation

Tell us a little about yourself:

Young PI, mom of a 2y old, main carer for 2x over 80y olds. Love science, outreach and all things brain. Ignorant to many aspects of neuroscience, impatient to rectify this situation.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

The power of my bad luck knows no bounds, I broke an “unbreakable microscope” minutes after it was described as such with one click.

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

Because I know what dementia looks like.

What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?

  • Keep at it, follow your passion and it will work out
  • Your peers are your greatest allies
  • You are not your data Negative data is not only data, it’s important data
  • Setups are what you will base your experiments on, give them the respect and diligence they deserve
  • Don’t fall in love with your hypothesis
  • There’s no such thing as an “alternative” career, all careers are valid and useful

(I’m sorry I couldn’t pick one!)

What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?

Crucial Conversations, yes

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