Annalise Rahman-Filipiak
Dr Annalise Rahman-Filipiak
Job title:
Assistant Professor, Clinical Neuropsychologist
Place of work / study:
Research Program on Cognition & Neuromodulation Based Interventions (RP-CNBI)
Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School
& Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Area of Research:
I broadly study racial-ethnic disparities in dementia diagnosis and treatment, as well as non-pharmacologic treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. My recent work has focused on disclosure of imaging and fluid-based biomarkers to diverse audiences, including cognitively healthy older adults and those with impairment. We try to take a culturally-sensitive approach to disclosure, diagnosis, and post-disclosure counselling.
How is your work funded?
- R03 from AFAR/NIA
- Bioethics supplement to mentor’s NIA R01 on nonpharm approaches to treating MCI and dementia-Alzheimer’s type
- Statewide Building Capacity for Research & Action (SBCRA) grant (Michigan only)
- K23 Mentored Career Development Award from NIA
Tell us a little about yourself:
Mom of two, dog-mom of 3. Would like to say I’m an avid runner, but maybe more of a ‘plodder’!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
Born and raised in the UK (Surrey), but moved 10 times in 10 years before finally putting down roots in Detroit, MI.
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
My father’s family is from Bangladesh and put a huge emphasis on education as a means to open doors. My uncle, in particular, was a huge influence on my academic and career trajectory. He developed dementia-Alzheimer’s type while I was completing my PhD, so it felt like a very natural target and progression from my broader geriatric neuropsychology work.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
Put yourself out there! Apply for positions, committees, or funding opportunities even if they feel a bit out of your reach, especially if they provide feedback. Chances are your imposter syndrome is influencing more than you know, and also likely talking other applicants out of applying. Even if you do not achieve the desired outcome, you’ll learn a ton in the process and likely meet contacts and network more effectively.
What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?
I’m always reading at least one academic and at least one non-academic book – probably why it takes so long to finish anything! I just finished taking a fantastic short course in mixed methods research as a tool for health disparities researchers. The instructor – Daphne Watkins – recently published a really approachable text: “Secondary Data in Mixed Methods Research”. As someone just moving from a quant-heavy background to mixed methods, I’ve found it incredibly helpful.
On the non-academic list, I just started The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry on the plane to the conference. Can’t provide much of a rating so far, but the writing is beautiful and it incorporates a lot of natural history and imagery of rural England, which I love.
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