Brendan Commane
Brendan Commane
Job title:
PhD Student
Place of work / study:
Royal College of Art, London
Area of Research:
The Environment in care homes for people with dementia
How is your work funded?
Self funded
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am about to start my second year of part time PhD study. I am a teacher and have worked in secondary mainstream schools, special schools and the independent sector. I have set up 2 provisions for people with autism, one in a large London comprehensive school and the other in a small special school. I am committed to an inclusive and diverse society. This year, I started to deliver a unit of work to a group of MA students at The University of Brighton. Getting used to working online, rather than face to face has been a challenge but a useful skill as it seems that this will be the mode of teaching and learning for the immediate future.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I am an animal lover and I have 3 dogs, a cat, who is the boss and 2 ducks. I would love to get an alpaca or 2 or 3.
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
My interest in dementia started from personal experience. I was primary carer for my Aunt with Alzheimer’s for just over one year and then had to place her in a care home, which is when my interest in the environment in care homes developed. Prior to this, I had very little understanding or knowledge of dementia so this experience prompted me to do an MA with a focus on dementia, my research was primarily with the carers of people with dementia.