Beliz Budak
Beliz Budak
Job title:
PhD student
Place of work / study:
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Witten, Germany
Area of Research:
Psychosocial health and Active Assistive Living (AAL) technologies in the care of people with dementia, AAL’s impact on loneliness in people with dementia living in long-term care and factors impacting implementation of AAL technologies
How is your work funded?
EU fellowship
Tell us a little about yourself:
I’m 29 years old and come from Turkey. By background I am a psychologist. I am interested in spending my free time cycling or swimming.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I only eat the crust of the bread.
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
It is an emerging area in psychology and I saw there was a need for further research than other popular areas.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
That they need to do their research beforehand for a position that they really want, because it is a stressful job and it can be difficult if you don’t really like it.
What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?
Good day to kill – Mario Mazzanti. If you like thrillers, it is an easy read.