Professor William Browne
Professor William Browne
Job title:
Professor of Statistics
Place of work / study:
Area of Research:
Statistical Modelling – methodology, software development and applications in particular multilevel modelling.
How is your work funded?
Many funders over the years including ESRC, British Academy, Wellcome and Turing.
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am a Professor of Statistics within the School of Education at the University of Bristol where I am currently the School Education Director. I also co-direct the Centre for Multilevel Modelling. I have been in Bristol since 2007 where I was firstly Professor of Biostatistics in the School of Veterinary Sciences for 7 years and also set up the Jean Golding Institute for Data Intensive Research at the university. I am married with 2 teenage daughters and 2 cats and live in a pretty country village in the Mendip Hills.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I have enjoyed teaching online in the pandemic as students don’t realise exactly what you look like – I am 2m tall and used to captain my University basketball team and my height is usually the first thing student’s notice!
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
I actually work in statistics which means I can work in loads of application areas. The methods and software I develop is used in many application areas from ecology, veterinary epidemiology, criminology, education across to medicine.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
Use the opportunities you get to interact with researchers from different disciplines as you will learn more that way – the world is hugely multi-disciplinary.
Can we find you on Twitter & Instagram?
Neither sorry