Dr Naomi Gallant
Dr Naomi Gallant
Job Title:
Occupational Therapist Team Lead & Clinical Academic
Place of work / study:
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Area of research:
Dementia care in hospitals – meal times
How is your work funded?
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am an Occupational Therapist passionate about enabling independence and quality of life for people with dementia. As well as being in the final year of my PhD, I work as a dementia specialist Occupational Therapist in across 3 acute medical wards.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I love travelling, my most recent adventure was a month in the USA in 2017.
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
My interest in improving dementia care began when I took a job as an HCA in a dementia specialist care home. Subsequent roles as an Occupational Therapist in older peoples care, both in the community and the hospital setting, highlighted clearly to me that an improvement was needed. Throughout my work with people with dementia my passion has grown as I have seen what a difference can be made to quality of life through small.