Dr Katy Bray (nee Stubbs)
Job Title:
Public Engagement Manager
Place of work / study:
Alzheimer’s Research UK
What does your work involve:
In my role, I lead on public engagement at the charity, and I organise our presence at events where we can talk to people about dementia, breaking down the myths that surround the condition and showcasing the power of research to change the future for people affected by dementia. I also look for new opportunities and ways to engage the public, and how we can best support researchers to engage and involve the public with their work. My role is varied and fast-paced, and I often find myself travelling around the UK to give talks and deliver events.
Tell us a little about yourself:
I’ve always been fascinated by human health and disease, particularly of the brain, and this led me to doing my PhD research in which I investigated axonal degeneration in a Drosophila model of tauopathy. During this time, I discovered that I was more suited to talking about research than doing it, finding myself doing an increasing number of outreach and engagement events. I was delighted to get my role at Alzheimer’s Research UK after my PhD (I’ve said the words dream job a few times), and I love sharing my passion for research with anyone and everyone.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I love baking and have made some science-themed novelty bakes over the years, including brain cupcakes, electrophoresis gingerbread and Drosophila cake!
[…] and other health conditions, but they don’t realize it’s a risk factor for dementia too,” Dr. Katy Bray, public engagement manager at Alzheimer’s Research UK, who was not involved in the study, told […]