Gina Sherlock
Job Title:
Research Assistant
Place of work / study:
Centre for Dementia Studies, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Area of research:
I am currently a Research Assistant on the Time for Dementia (TfD) programme. TfD is a programme to develop, deliver, and evaluate an innovative educational initiative for undergraduate healthcare professionals. It requires students to be paired with an individual with dementia and a family carer, who they will visit on a regular basis as part of their undergraduate curriculum. The programme aims to develop empathy in the students and enhance their understanding of dementia and their attitudes towards the condition.
How is your work funded?
Health Education England
Tell us a little about yourself:
I completed a psychology conversion masters in 2016 and then worked as a healthcare assistant in a variety of mental health settings. In 2017 I was lucky enough to attain my current position as a Research Assistant and I have thoroughly enjoyed my learning experience in this particular area.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
We used to have pet goats growing up, and called them Helen and Danny after the neighbours! Not sure how they felt about that…
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
Challenging the stigma which surrounds certain conditions is extremely important to me. Dementia is a condition for which education is still greatly needed so to be part of a project which seeks to challenge stigma and develop understanding towards dementia is extremely exciting. Even as someone who had prior knowledge of dementia before becoming a Research Assistant, I have learnt so much from speaking to the families involved in the programme and feel privileged to be involved in such a valuable learning opportunity.