
Profile – Dr Keir Yong, University College London

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Dr Keir Yong Profile Picture.

Dr Keir Yong


Dr Keir Yong

Job title:

Principal Research Fellow

Place of work / study:

Dementia Research Centre, University College London

Area of Research:

How dementia may cause changes in vision and spatial awareness, particularly so in individuals with posterior cortical atrophy (‘visual-spatial Alzheimer’s disease’).

How is your work funded:

Dunhill Medical Trust, The National Brain Appeal, Alzheimer’s Research UK

Tell us a little about yourself:

I am a neuropsychologist based at UCL where I lead the posterior cortical atrophy study. I am Vice Chair of the ISTAART Atypical AD PIA. My research investigates how visual perception, spatial orientation and coordinated movements may be altered in dementia, and what this means for diagnosis, management and understanding of disease heterogeneity. I recently developed a test to detect cortical visual loss (‘brainsight’, not eyesight loss) in the UK Biobank study.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I was once a drummer in a band called ‘Gobbler’s Knob’

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

My first job after university was as a research assistant working with care home residents with dementia. I was very fortunate in being able to know a lot of residents and to see the efforts of staff in supporting residents.

What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?

Everyone has something valuable to contribute – from each research participant, to different health and social care professionals and researchers from different backgrounds (including yourself)!

What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?

Currently on the first page of ‘Using Mplus for Structural Equation Modeling’

Favourite ways to unplug and unwind?

Watching trash TV

Favourite film of all time?


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