
Profile – Dr David Steadman

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Dr David Steadman

Job Title:

Research Associate

Place of work / study:

UCL Alzheimer’s Research UK – Drug Discovery Institute

Area of research:

Medicinal Chemistry

How is your work funded:

Alzheimer’s Research UK

Tell us a little about yourself:

I did a PhD in organic chemistry at UCL and have post-doc’d on several drug discovery projects in antibacterials and immuno-oncology. I am currently working on the development and discovery of new drugs to treat neurodegeneration at the UCL ARUK DDI.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I am lead guitarist for London-based covers band, Love Volcano ( I also became a dad in January this year, which basically means I haven’t slept since Christmas!

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

As a chemist, Alzheimer’s drug discovery represents a significant challenge, since AD drug discovery to date essentially has a 100% failure rate. Trying to identify, validate and drug novel molecular targets is an absolute necessity if we are to treat this disease, and I like to think that I am helping to aid this effort, even if only in some small way.


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