Alzheimer’s Society Doctoral Training Centres

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Alzheimer's Society Doctoral Training Centres are a transformative initiative which will attract talented researchers into the field of dementia research and to support them to build a career in the field. These Centres will help PhD students during the key transitional stage in their careers, by providing greater infrastructure and support to feel secure in pursuing dementia research as their career choice.

Each Centre focuses on a specific research topic, taking at least five students per year for five years beginning in 2024. By the end of the programme, nearly 90 talented researchers will have been supported to begin their careers in dementia research.

This approach will provide PhD students with unique access to activity across the Centres – widening their options for peer support, networking, knowledge sharing, specialisms, training, and equipment.

On this page you will find news from the networks, updates from students, events, PhD oppertunities and more.

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