
Profile – Dr Kira Shaw

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Dr Kira Shaw

Job Title:

Postdoctoral Researcher

Place of work / study:

University of Sussex

Area of Research:


How is your research funded:

Discovery Award, Medical Research Council

Tell us a little about yourself:

I am from Blackburn, Lancashire. I recently moved to Brighton to work with Dr Catherine Hall studying the relationship between brain cells and blood vessels in hippocampus and visual cortex using special imaging techniques. In addition, I enjoy writing fun neuroscience articles aimed at the public. Recently I wrote an article titled ‘Is Alzheimer’s caused by disruptions to the brain’s energy supply?’

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

In my spare time, I have written a novel.

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

Dementia affects so many lives in the UK, not only those who have the diagnosis, but also their close friends and families. Research has the power to help us defeat this disease, and help all these people.


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