Careers, Dissemination

Tips for job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic

From Nature Careers

Reading Time: < 1 minute

People at computersI am a postdoctoral researcher studying retinal diseases and was recently awarded a career transition grant to start my own lab. My search for a faculty position was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. I started sending out applications in January 2020, and found out in March that my planned interviews across several US states coincided with campus closures. The interviews were postponed indefinitely.

I reached out to four potential employers, and we agreed to conduct online interviews. Conducting a full-day interview online was new both to me and to the interviewers, but over the past eight weeks, I’ve got lots of hands-on experience. Here’s what I learnt…

Click here to read the article, for top tips from Abdelrahman Y. Fouda on Nature Careers

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