Race Against Dementia Ignition Fund

Race Against Dementia – Felxible seed funding to help bring abRace Against Dementia Logoout unexpected breakthroughs

Research funding is often fixed to a set body of work. Much like the process of developing a winning racing car, scientific discovery rarely follows a linear path. So what do you do when your funded research throws out a new unexpect line of inquiry? When you need additional funds to quickly exploit an opportunity and avoid high potential ideas being shelved. The Race Against Dementia Ignition Fund supports exactly this kind of research.

Applications can be made for up to £100k for equipment, people or research costs.

Applications will be assessed by Race Against Dementia’s expert scientific panel, meeting at least twice a year – and a new round is open now – deadline 16th September, 4pm BST.

We want to support innovative research that will facilitate a ‘stage shift’ towards dementia prevention, improved diagnosis, treatment and understanding of the fundamental science of the disease. Applicants do not need any preliminary data in order to apply – but smart and novel new ideas are particularly welcome.

We are specifically looking to award projects that will add and extend an applicant’s current work by enabling them to pursue a novel or different idea that would not be possible with existing funding.

Race Against Dementia Ignition Grants are available for up to 24 months duration and funding up to £100,000. Applications are accepted from UK-based early and mid-career researchers, including current and past Race Against Dementia Fellows, however applications from more senior researchers will also be considered, and all will be subject to our peer review process. There are no limits on the number of applications from an institution but only one application per applicant is allowed

The two-stage application process is designed to be simple and rapid. To apply please download and complete our simple Application Form and submit to ignitionfund@raceagainstdementia.com. After peer-review of the applications, top applicants will then be invited to an interview.

The Application Form

Part 1: The Scientific Proposal requires:

  • Brief background justifying the proposed project
  • Aims of the project
  • Overview of the proposed project
  • Why this is an unexpected element of research?
  • How will this project create new and exciting findings from your current work
  • Budget/costings
  • References

Part 2: Lay summary

  • This part of the application will be assessed by a panel of people living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia to assess the impact of the proposed project.

The review panel will award grants on scientific merit and on the quality of the application and applicants. The Grant Panel Members will review all applications in advance of a panel meeting and then discuss and score each before inviting applicants to attend an interview.

The Interview

Before the interview applicants will be asked to submit an elevator pitch-style video. At the interview applicants will be given the chance to respond to questions or concerns about their application from a panel of reviewers. After the interviews the panel will make recommendations for funding.

These recommendations will be presented to the Race Against Dementia trustees for final approval. The terms and conditions of the grant will be outlined in a contract drawn up once the grants have been awarded. Please note Race Against Dementia does not pay institutional overheads on research grants.

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