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Introduction to the News Media

King's College London Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom

The Science Media Centre flagship event- Introduction to the News Media - will take place in person on Wednesday 5th February at King’s College London

Advances in population based dementia research

Online , United Kingdom

New onlien course from Imperial College London with leading speakers providing the opportunity for basic researchers to get familiar with epidemiologic and population-based resources.

UK Ageing Research Funders Early Career Researchers Forum

The Health Foundation 8 Salisbury Square, London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Join us to explore the latest advancements in ageing-related research and connect with fellow researchers funded by members of UKARFF.

Introduction to Impact Evaluation – Online

Online , United Kingdom

This NCRM online course will introduce you to various empirical, quantitative methods that can be used to estimate the impact of a specific policy intervention.

Novel bioprinters for 3D in vitro models workshop

Newcastle University - Campus for Ageing and Vitality Great Gables, Floor 1, Clinical Ageing Research Unit, Westgate Road, Newcastle, Northumberland, United Kingdom

Professor Kenny Dalgarno is organising a series of events to highlight novel bioprinting technology and how it can be used to create in vitro models. 

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