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Catchup – Salon – Managing Feedback from Peer Review

10/07/2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Managing feedback from peer review


A weekly gathering to discuss careers and research topics, inspired by 17th and 18th century salons from Paris, with a modern twist. These sessions combine livestreams, guest speakers and group chat to exchange ideas, challenge, influence, inspire and educate.

In this session we talk about Managing Feedback from Peer Review.

Navigating feedback from peer review in academia involves a balance of strategy and emotional resilience. It’s about sorting through critiques to find actionable insights while maintaining enough distance to not take comments personally. Does our current system work? How do you actually do it? What about the peril of ‘Reviewer 2’? Let’s get into it, and discuss this hot academic topic, and see if we can collect some tips along the way.


Dr Audrey Low – is a Race Against Dementia Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge. Her focusses on studying the role of cerebrovascular dysfunction in dementia and cognitive impairment, with the help of multimodal neuroimaging techniques and clinical data in humans. With 10 publications under her belt, including as a First Author the challenges of peer review are fresh for Audrey, putting her in the perfect position to discuss the challenges.

Dr Aseel Mahmoud – is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter. In her role, Aseel is leading the qualitative data collection and analysis and development of programme theory. Aseel has a growing list of publications, including as first author and is now writing grants and is dealing with the challenges of peer review.


The format of the event is a 30 minute livestream where the speakers will each present their thoughts on this topic for 10 minutes each, the host will then ask questions and the livestream will end. The speakers will then join the online chat and interact with the audience, answering questions and giving those who attended a chance to share their thoughts on the topic.

Missed the live event? Available catch-up on Dementia Researcher Communities – Online or in the App

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