All the events here are relevant to people working in dementia research. If you would like to add your own you can submit an event

Healthy Brain Initative: Public health and dementia training
March 20 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Join us for the launch of our new public health and dementia training module!
Learn about the latest public health and dementia curriculum module detailing the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map and implementation strategies
Join the launch webinar — Implementing Public Health Strategies for Dementia — for an overview of this free and interactive module.
Participants will learn how public health can take action on dementia with the HBI Road Map, and how to integrate this resource into workforce training, public health initiatives and student coursework. The new module is part of A Public Health Approach to Dementia, a free curriculum designed for public health students, educators and professionals to increase understanding and knowledge of these key public health priorities. The new module will go live on March 20, 2025.