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Alzheimer’s: Early Detection and Multi-Etiology Insights from Blood-based Immunoassays

09/10/2024 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News

Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) before the symptoms of cognitive decline begin is essential for effective prevention. Highly sensitive, multiplex blood-based immunoassays can help with early-stage disease studies as well as with unraveling the complex mix of AD-associated etiologies. The result is more informed patient stratification for clinical trials, improved diagnosis and prognosis, and faster treatment discovery.

In this GEN webinar, our expert speaker, Dr. Sterling Johnson, will discuss multi-plex blood biomarker assays, new discoveries in AD research from a large-scale study, and opportunities for early intervention during the presymptomatic phase of the disease. In the first part of the webinar, he’ll use data from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP) study, which follows healthy middle-aged volunteers at increased risk of AD, to discuss ways of identifying when AD begins at the individual-level based on PET, CSF and blood-based biomarkers assessed using the immunoassay technology, NULISA™.

The second part of the webinar will focus on opportunities for learning more about other factors in the brain that contribute to cognitive decline in AD cases. Dr. Johnson will discuss the mixture of etiologies that co-occur with AD including vascular disease, alpha synuclein proteinopathy, and/or TDP43 proteinopathy, and how NULISA assays can elucidate multi-etiology cognitive impairment and antecedent states that present clinically as AD. You’ll also hear from Alex Forrest-Hay who will share details about Alamar’s technology.

A live Q&A session will follow the presentation, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelists.

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