Dr Kahryn Hughes
Dr Kahryn Hughes
Job title:
Associate Professor of Sociology
Place of work / study:
Area of Research:
The longitudinal dynamics of poverty, families and addiction
How is your work funded?
Economic and Social Research Council (Research Methods Programme, Timescapes), Research in Gambling Trust, Cancer Research UK, National Centre for Research Methods
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am Director of the Timescapes Archive, Editor-in-Chief of the BSA Sociological Research Online, and Senior Fellow of the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). I am internationally recognised for innovation in qualitative longitudinal methods, and an international leader in new methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I have just got PADI certification for scuba diving.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
Find good colleagues and develop international collaborations.