
Profile – Dr Hannah Scott

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Dr Hannah Scott

Job Title:

Research Associate

Place of work / study:

UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff University

Area of Research:

Investigating the effects of Alzheimer’s disease risk variants in non-coding regions of the genome on microglial cells

How is your research funded:

The UK DRI is funded by the MRC, Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. I have also received funding from The Waterloo Foundation.

Tell us a little about yourself:

I completed my undergraduate degree in Molecular Life Science at the University of Lübeck, a small specialist university in the North of Germany. An MSc in Molecular Neuroscience brought me to Bristol and, like many other people, I ended up staying. My PhD investigated the molecular processes that support memory formation and in my subsequent postdoc position I aimed to understand the mechanisms by which pregnancy complications affect brain development of the baby. After a short stint consulting for a pharmaceutical start-up company, I recently joined the new UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff University, where I have the opportunity to combine my interests in gene regulation, neuroscience and neurodegenerative disease to understand the functional contribution of genetic risk to Alzheimer’s disease.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

In addition to science, I love music and I am a founding member of a small Bristol-based a cappella group called The Humming Birds.

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

I am fascinated by the brain, how it works and what goes wrong in disease. Understanding what happens in the brain in diseases such as dementia will provide a foundation for the development of treatments that are sorely needed.



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