Profile – Dr Maxine Mackintosh, Genomics England
Postdoc Researcher and a cofounder of One HealthTech, leading the Genomics England Diverse Data initiative to to reduce health inequalities in genomic medicine.
Postdoc Researcher and a cofounder of One HealthTech, leading the Genomics England Diverse Data initiative to to reduce health inequalities in genomic medicine.
Horse whisperer and Consultant Psychiatrist for Older People and Vice Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Old Age Psychiatrist.
PhD Student at the University of Manchester using fruit flies, to investigate the molecular mechanisms that underpin FTD and ALS. Slide-line in animation, bringing Morph back to life!
Axe man, new Dad and Research Associate, currently working on the development and discovery of new drugs to treat neurodegeneration at the UCL ARUK Drug Discovery Institute.
Dementia care consultant and trainer at the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies, University of Bradford with scraped knees and a bag full of records.
Former Head of Research for Alzheimer’s Society now Hub Development Manager for Health Data Research UK
Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh working in Epidemiology of multimorbidity, polypharmacy and mental health (including dementia biomarkers and cognitive outcomes). Hoping to outlive her tortoise.
PhD candidate at Newcastle University and Registered Nurse, researching dementia care. Enjoys playing Goldylocks, and isn’t afraid of the bears!
Associate Director, Clinical Development at Eisai working on AD clinical trials from BACE inhibitors to monoclonal antibodies targetting both amyloid and tau.
Assistant Research Professor at Washington State University. Developing a better understanding of how health disparities contribute to premature brain ageing with a little help from the Jedi Master.
Head of Research for the MS Society previoulsy Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society – working to help charities deliver effective research.
Marathon cyclist and former research scientist and now an Associate Editor at PLOS,