How losing my husband to dementia inspired my research career
In 2008 at the age of 58 I made a big change in my life – I moved from Oxford to Manchester to pursue a new career as a dementia researcher.
In 2008 at the age of 58 I made a big change in my life – I moved from Oxford to Manchester to pursue a new career as a dementia researcher.
Respect for what you and your colleagues bring to the table is vital to successful integration, says Melissa T. Miller in her blog for Nature Careers
A list of talking points can help with navigating potentially difficult topics and sticky negotiations.
Justine Tomlinson successfully applied for an NIHR RfPB award during her PhD and has shared her advice to encourage other doctoral students to apply.
A well-crafted set of guidelines and advice can save time, reassure trainees and promote a positive lab culture, argues Mariam Aly.
Sarah Stanford undertoook a PhD researching self-harm. In this blog she provides great advice for anyone thinking about the challenges of PhD and Parenting.
Simona Cerrato reports on a new generation of scientists who are confounding expectations and proving much more willing to engage with the public.
After PhD submission, the preparation for the viva can be daunting task but here are some sample questions to help you prep.
Dr Deborah Morgan blogs about her experience of being invited to present a TED talk on her research into loneliness.
Want your study to make the headlines? You can get help with that.
Writing sessions with colleagues are a great reminder to PhD students that we’re all in it together.
One way for researchers to meet the growing requirement to demonstrate that their work has had an impact is by evidencing the degree to which it has influenced the field they work in.