Our second Forefront Webinar delivered in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society was recorded on the 24th September 2021 – hosted by Adam Smith, Programme Director at University College London.
The Forefront Webinars Series is livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube on the last Friday of each month – in each webinar there are two sessions, the first comes from an Alzheimer’s Society funded Researcher presenting on their work, and the second is an essential careers sessions to keep you at the forefront of your field.
In this webinar Dr Lovesha Sivanantharajah, Alzheimer’s Society Research Fellow from Bangor University gives a fantastic talk about balancing a research career and parenthood. Covering everything from the decision on when to start a family, to how to cope with work during pregnancy, changes to the brain, and then how to adapt to life as a parent – whilst also keeping an eye and a focus on your career. In this incredibly candid and honest discussion, Lovesha explores the issues, and shares how she and her husband organise life.