
Alzheimer’s Research UK Awards – Open for Nominations

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Alzheimer’s Research UK Awards – Open for Nominations
The Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference provides an opportunity to celebrate excellence from researchers at all stages of their careers.

David Hague Early Career Investigator of the Year Award – Applications close on 28 October 2024

The David Hague Early Career Investigator of the Year Award, worth £25,000 in research expenses with a £1,500 personal prize, is presented each year to the most outstanding early career researcher in the field of biomedical dementia research with 5-10 years’ experience post-PhD.

The Award is judged by an external panel of prominent researchers, who look for excellence in scientific research and a significant contribution to the dementia research field in the application form. Entries should demonstrate excellence across all areas of our Early Career Research Framework.

Find out more about eligibility, the application process, and the review process in the application form.

Jean Corsan Prize – Applications close on 16 December 2024

The Jean Corsan Prize is awarded each year for the best scientific paper in neurodegeneration published by a PhD or MD/PhD student. This prestigious prize is supported by the Jean Corsan Foundation.

The paper must be based on medical research into Alzheimer’s, dementia and/or similar conditions and the student must be registered at a UK university. The winner will be invited to give a presentation at the Research Conference, and registration fees will be included.

Entrants may nominate themselves. If the nominee is not the publication’s first author, additional text of less than 100 words explaining the nominee’s contribution to the publication must also be attached.

Apply via the Jean Corsan Prize submission portal.

Awards will be presented at the Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference in February 2025 – Register today

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