Dissemination, Events

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Podcasts

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Podcasts

The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC®) is the largest and most influential international meeting dedicated to advancing dementia science. Each year, AAIC convenes the world’s leading basic science and clinical researchers, next generation investigators, clinicians and the care research community to share research discoveries that will lead to methods of prevention and treatment, and improvements in diagnosis for Alzheimer’s disease.

This years AAIC takes place next week from the 22nd to 26th July, and the NIHR Dementia Researcher website, is excited to be exhibiting at the conference. In addition to exhibiting, Adam Smith one of the team who leads the development of this site will be presenting a poster on the background of this website and its aims, as well as recording a daily round-up podcast with 12 of our Early Career Researcher community.

AAIC Dementia Researcher Podcasts

To celebrate this massive conference, and to help share the experience with those who can’t attend this year, we will be recording a short podcast at the end of each day, with panellists drawn from the ECR community. These podcasts will be published the very next day, and will discuss what each of the panellists learnt that day, and their experience of being involved in this most influential of international meetings.

Meet our panellists


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