We are very happy to invite you to the 35th Alzheimer Europe Conference (35AEC), which will be organised in Bologna from 6 to 8 October 2025, in collaboration between Alzheimer Europe, Federazione Alzheimer Italia and Alzheimer Uniti Italia.
After our successful Conference in Milan in 1995, this will be the second time that an Alzheimer Europe Conference is organised in Italy and the conference motto this year will be “Connecting science and communities: The future of dementia care”.
These are exciting and interesting times for the European dementia movement with research on new treatments and improved diagnostics making progress. In parallel, we see a greater focus on making our societies more dementia-inclusive and ensuring that the views and voices of people with dementia are fully included in care, policy and research.
We therefore hope that 35AEC will be another great networking opportunity, bringing together people living with dementia and their families, carers and supporters, but also volunteers and staff of Alzheimer associations, policy makers, health and social care professionals, researchers, academics and industry representatives from all over Europe and beyond. Alzheimer Europe conferences are truly unique, attracting representatives with hugely varied backgrounds and nationalities and we are sure that our Bologna conference will continue this trend.
Together with our colleagues from Alzheimer Uniti Italia and Federazione Alzheimer Italia, we will make sure to also develop a particularly interesting programme for our Italian colleagues. All plenary sessions, as well as all sessions organised in the main conference hall will be translated into Italian. An additional two parallel session slots have been reserved for the sessions, workshops and symposia organised by our two Italian co-hosts. This year’s programme should therefore be particularly appealing to both English and Italian speakers.
We invite you to share your research, projects, activities and experience via our call for abstracts, so that we can develop an exciting, interesting and varied programme for all participants wishing to learn more about the latest developments and opportunities in dementia care, treatment, management, research and policy.
We hope that your participation in this year’s Alzheimer Europe Conference will be a fantastic experience and that you will get the most out of our exciting and innovative programme and range of networking opportunities, whilst also discovering the amazing city of Bologna.
As organisers, we are deeply grateful to all our sponsors, for supporting the activities of Alzheimer Europe and this Annual Conference in particular. Their support makes it possible for us to provide highly competitive registration rates for a truly unique conference.
We look forward to welcoming you to 35AEC in Bologna from 6 to 8 October!
Call for abstracts
Alzheimer Europe, Alzheimer Uniti Italia and Federazione Alzheimer Italia are calling for abstracts for oral and poster presentations – Submit your abstract – the call for abstracts will close on 30 April 2025
Guidelines for writing abstracts
Please respect the following guidelines when writing your abstract:
Only abstracts submitted in English will be considered.
- Abstracts need to be submitted via the online submission system. Abstracts submitted by e-mail, fax or post will be ignored.
- Abstracts should be written in concise form and should not exceed 300 words.
- Abstracts need to be submitted following the online template guidelines.
- Please make sure to use a non-discriminatory language when referring to people with dementia. The terms “person with dementia” or “people with dementia” should
- Therefore be used rather than “victims”, “sufferers”, the “demented” or “dementing” or other stigmatising language. (see our guidelines for Ethical and inclusive communication)
- As AE Conferences are open to a lay audience, presentations on licensed medicines, whether promotional in nature or not, will not be accepted. The use of trade marked names is similarly not allowed.
- Abstracts should be clearly linked to one of the topics of the call for abstracts. You will be asked to choose a specific topic when submitting your abstract.
Guidelines for submitting abstracts
- Alzheimer Europe will accept submission of abstracts for oral, quick oral or poster presentations.
- Please note that oral presentations will be for 10-12 minutes followed by 3 to 5 minutes of questions.
- Quick oral presentations shall not exceed 5 minutes.
- All abstracts must be submitted by 30 April at the latest.
- You will receive an e-mail notification after submitting your abstract. If you have not received an e-mail notification after submitting your abstract, please contact the Alzheimer Europe secretariat.
Evaluation of abstracts
- All abstracts will be evaluated by the Programme Committee.
- For each topic, a minimum of 3 or 4 members of the Programme Committee will rate each abstract which will have been anonymised prior to evaluation.
For abstracts submitted for oral presentations, the following procedure will apply:
- The five highest rated abstracts for each topic will be selected as oral presentations for inclusion in the final programme.
- Only one abstract per presenting author will be accepted for inclusion as an oral presentation. If more than one abstract qualifies, only the highest rated abstract will be included in the final programme. Additional abstracts by the same presenting author may be accepted as quick oral or poster presentations.
- Abstracts that have not been accepted for oral presentation can be selected for quick oral or poster presentation, as long as they reach the required threshold average mark. Please be aware that abstracts submitted for oral presentation ONLY will not be offered the opportunity to present as poster.
- Abstracts that have not reached the required average mark will be rejected.
For abstracts submitted for poster presentation only, the following procedure will apply:
- Abstracts that have reached the required threshold average mark will be accepted.
- All other abstracts will be rejected.
Acceptance of abstracts
- All authors will be informed about the decision of the Programme Committee by 31 May 2025.
- If accepted, only minor changes to the submitted abstract will be permitted. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that abstracts are correct in terms of accuracy of contents, spelling and grammar.
- All presenters need to register for the conference by the early bird registration deadline of 30 June 2025. Past this date the presentation will be removed from the programme and replaced with the next best graded abstract.
- All oral and poster presenters need to present in-person at the event in Bologna.