Dr Sophia Amenyah
Job Title:
Research Fellow
Place of work / study:
Bournemouth University
Area of Research:
Nutrition, Co-production, Healthy Ageing, Community Nutrition, Dementia prevention
How is your research funded:
Funding from different bodies including UKRI, Alzheimer’s Research UK
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am a researcher of African heritage, a registered nutritionist and currently a Dunhill Medical Trust Research Fellow. I am an interdisciplinary researcher with expertise in both biomedical and social sciences. Her research centres on co-production and the use of interdisciplinary methods to understand the biological and social determinants of nutrition and healthy ageing in underserved communities. Her key interests include personalised nutrition, vascular disease, nutrition assessment, community nutrition and public health nutrition policies.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I love going to music concerts.
Why did you choose to work in Dementia research?
Dementia still remains a stigmatised condition within my community and poorly understood. My research enables me to work together with my community to better understand the condition within the Black African community and to empower our community with practical lifestyle strategies for reducing risk.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
Be bold and take on new opportunities.
What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?
Nothing at the moment
Favourite ways to unplug and unwind?
Listening to Music